
Any use to Guide Comprehensive English Grammar

Any use to Guide Comprehensive English Grammar

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Sale! Bharat Maata broote ek sameekshaatmak adhyayan

Bharat Maata broote ek sameekshaatmak adhyayan

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Bhartiya Sanskrti me Rashtrya Tatav

135 करोड़ की विशाल जनसंख्या से युक्त भारत, विभिन्न संस्कृतियों, धर्मों, संप्रदायों से समृद्ध बहुरंगी समाज एवं संस्कृति का वैश्विक समाज में विशिष्ट स्थान है । कश्मीर से कन्याकुमारी एवं गुजरात से बंगाल तक का विस्तृत भू-भाग वसुधैव कुटुंबकम भाव का अनुकरण सदियों से करता रहा है। वेशभूषा, परंपरा, मान्यता, जाति, भाषा एवं भौगोलिक स्थिति में विषमता के बावजूद भावनात्मक रूप से हम सब एक हैं। राष्ट्रीय एकता यहां की अमूल्य निधि है। जो राष्ट्र की प्राण वाहिनी बनकर समस्त भारतवासियों में संचारित हो रही है । इसके बाद भी कतिपय लोगों के संकीर्ण विचार, तुच्छ राजनीतिक स्वार्थ, अज्ञानता उन्हें समाज के संवेदनशील मर्मस्थल को दूषित कर विग्रह, संघर्ष और ध्वंस की ओर ले जाने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं

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Sale! Corono Pyar he

Corono Pyar he

प्रेम मानव हृदय में सदैव ही परम आनंद को द्योतक रहा है। प्रेम बिन जग सुना है। लाॅकडाउन काल में

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Dalit women constitute and comprised about 16 % of India’s total female population and 8% of the total population and most of them feel disillusioned and alienated. An attempt should be made to break down the fixed polarities between the upper caste/lower caste and men/women especially in Dalit context. In a male dominated society, Dalit women suffered unimaginable oppression, not only through caste, but gender too, from which there is no escape. There are large numbers of reported atrocities on Dalit women that can be found recorded in various newspaper articles, journals, and government reports in India. The caste system declares Dalit women as ‘impure’ and therefore untouchable and hence socially excluded. Dalit women are thrice discriminated, treated as untouchables and as outcastes, due to their caste, face gender discrimination being women and finally economic impoverishment due to unequal wage disparity, with low or underpaid labour. Caste uses gender to construct caste status, power relations and cultural differences and thereby oppresses lower caste women. Thus, the three interlocking systems of caste, class, and patriarchy create a multidimensionality, simultaneity, and intensity of oppression, which is destructive for the lives of Dalit women.

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹540.00.
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Democracy, Election and Governance

INDIAN CONSTITUTION..  Its basic structure and ideas, is what this book talks about. The readers will understand the historical growth

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Pitch – Man proposes and God Superimposes.
This is a tale of the war between Dreams and Destiny.
This happens in Vijay’s case. He – an Indian, always wanted to go to U.S.A. and settle there. He is a youth from Lucknow, State of U.P., India. And like many young Indians, he also aspires to reach and settle in America. He finds himself technically there sooner than expected. He is a cook in American Army camp (Amiraly) in Iraq employed by an American company. Prior to this, he has struggled a bit in Delhi and Mumbai. Before this, by sheer turn of events, he marries Shirin, a Muslim lady from a village near Lucknow. They live together in Mumbai. When the news of a scud raid in Vijay’s camp reaches Mumbai, Shirin and Vijay’s father are worried. They ask Vijay to return. Instead Vijay calls them and resides them in Kuwait. Later on, three-some they reside together there. In Amiraly camp during the scud said, he meets Molly, an American lady army officer. They fall in love and have romance (in desert, in air etc.) too. He witnesses torture of Iraqi soldiers and sex – hungry sergeant ladies. They have a chance encounter with a child terrorist also. In another attack Molly is disabled, her legs are badly injured. She is forced to retire. She asks and gets Vijay also to America alongwith her.

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹390.00.
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Future Techno Human Vol II

Original price was: ₹1,340.00.Current price is: ₹1,320.00.
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