Police Administration in Chhattisgarh (1947-1975)

Police Administration in Chhattisgarh (1947-1975)

The role of police in any civilized society is self-evident. The traditional role of police is to maintain law & order and curb the crimes. Organized police performs threefold task on behalf of society: it protects, it integrates and it develops. The police in society is what grammar is to language. The present system of police administration, traces its origin in the British administrative system. System of police administration in Chhattisgarh from the being did not have any structure until the coming of British in this part of region. Thus there would be no exaggeration in saying that the structure of police administration of the present Chhattisgarh is largely based on the administrative foundation of the Central Provinces.
Basically this book is based on research work (PhD thesis). The study & research on this important subject does not seem to have received a wider academic attention not merely because police is an unpleasant topic but also for the reason that necessary materials are not easy to obtain from the concerned department which operates, by and large, under veil of secrecy there is growing tendency to bring out the different aspect of regional history.

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Sale! Police Administration in Chhattisgarh

Police Administration in Chhattisgarh (1947-1975)

The role of police in any civilized society is self-evident. The traditional role of police is to maintain law & order and curb the crimes. Organized police performs threefold task on behalf of society: it protects, it integrates and it develops. The police in society is what grammar is to language. The present system of police administration, traces its origin in the British administrative system. System of police administration in Chhattisgarh from the being did not have any structure until the coming of British in this part of region. Thus there would be no exaggeration in saying that the structure of police administration of the present Chhattisgarh is largely based on the administrative foundation of the Central Provinces.

Original price was: ₹595.00.Current price is: ₹590.00.
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Potential of Machine Learning and AI Techniques

Welcome to the world of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence! This book serves as a comprehensive guide and an invitation to explore the fascinating realm of cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence have become integral parts of our daily lives, permeating various industries, from healthcare and finance to entertainment and transportation. These fields have witnessed exponential growth in recent years, fueled by advances in computational power, vast amounts of data, and groundbreaking algorithms. As society becomes increasingly reliant on intelligent systems, it is crucial for individuals to understand the underlying principles and applications of Machine Learning and AI.

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At present scenario, poultry firming has emerged as an important agribusiness enterprise that Has a great potential for providing additional income to our farming community and educated
Unemployed persons of the rural areas through creating self-employment opportunities. The Book is an outcome of our Doctoral research study and has some practical utilities to students And teachers in this fields, and helpful to those who are interested in the issue of rural development, entrepreneurship development, microfinance, policymakers, economist, and
labour welfare and to remove poverty in rural areas and ensure intensive and extensive development of poultry sectors.

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POWER SYSTEM DEREGULATION (Unit Commitment Problem) is a technical description of deregulated power systems while scheduling the operation of generating

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Prachand Jeet Sifar Se Shikhar Tak

इस किताब में, राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ(आरएसएस) और भारतीय जनता पार्टी(बीजेपी) के बारे में जानकारी जुटाने की कोशिश की गई है। उनकी शुरुआत से लेकर अब तक के उनके कार्यों की कार्यशैली के बारे में लिखा गया है। इसके साथ ही, इस किताब में राजनीति के सभी महत्वपूर्ण इतिहास के पन्नों को पलटने की कोशिश की गई है। जिसमें देश के आज़ाद होने से लेकर अब तक उस समय की तत्कालीन सरकारों में जो कुछ भी कार्य और घटनायें हुई, उस बारे में काफी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दी गई है। इस दौरान, देश संभाल रहे दलों ने किस तरह के फैसले लिए और जनता पर उनके इन फैसलों का क्या असर हुआ। देश को यहाँ तक रास्ता तय करने तक के सफर में क्या कुछ झेलना पड़ा और क्या कुछ हासिल हुआ। अंग्रेज़ों के हाथों से अपने देश के नेताओं के हाथों में देश की बागडोर आते ही देश कहाँ तक पहुँचा?




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This book titled “Practical Approaches to Communication Skills in English”,
besides delivering manifold language benefits, reflects to develop students’ ability
to use English accurately, appropriately and fluently for face-to-face, written and
electronic communications in academic, social, professional and job situations. The
book is a modest attempt to discuss essential aspects and paramount significance of
English Language and Communication Skills

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