
Dr. Surindar Wawale
Dr. Surindar Wawale, Assistant Professor
Department of Geography,
Agasti Arts, Commerce and Dadasaheb Rupwate Science College, Akole, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. Pin-422601
Dr. Surindar Wawale an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, Agasti Arts, Commerce and Dadasaheb Rupwate Science College, Akole, Tal- Akole, Dist- Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India., M.A. (Geography) NET, Ph. D, N.D.(Nashik) Total No. of Patent- 15, (Published -15, Granted- 01), Total No. of Research Paper- 15 (National and International), Research Paper oral presentation in China and Poland, Book chapter Published-03, Resource person (IPR)-15, Syllabus Restructuring - 05 (University level), Life Member- IIRS, IIG, DGS, MBP, ISSN, INSO., Research Awards International- 03, National-02, State-02. Coordinator of Indian Institute of Remote Sensing- online distance e-learning and Uannat Bharat Abhiyan. Examination ERP software developed at college level.