Favourite 51 ideas
Favourite 51 ideas
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Favourite 51 ideas

Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹148.00.

SKU: 9789390445615 Category:

This book contains big ideas extracted from great books written by eminent authors. We express deep gratitude towards all the authors mentioned in this book. The sole purpose of this book is to cultivate reading habit among the youth and invoke curiosity about the book mentioned on each page so that reader buy the books. We are thankful to these authors for writing wonderful books from which we have picked up great ideas.


Yu kai Chou, Brian Tracy, Asshwin Sanghi, Stanley and Danko, Robert Kiyosaki, Stephen covey, Vishen Lakhiani, Dale Carnegi, Tim Ferriss, Swami Vivekananda,

Kinita Patel, John Maxwell, Joshua Becker, Jesse Schell, Khalil Gibran, James Clear, Alex Pang, Mark Manson, Leo Babauta, Yuval Noah Harari, Chris Hadfield,

Susan Cian, Martin Seligman, John Gray, Charles A Coonradt, Carmine Galo,

Leil Lowndes, Alice Schroeder, Sheryl Sandberg, Annie Dillard ,Neil Fiore, Mitch Albom, Robin Sharma, Michael E. Gerber, Scott Adams, Alfie Kohn, Wayne. W. Dyer, Rajiv Narang, Devika Devaiah, Eric Barker, Gary Keller, Nil Eyal, L P Jacks,

Walter Isaacson, Todd Kashdan, Kiron Shenoy, Ken Segall, Michael Gelb, Leo Rosten, Robert Cialdini, Nathan Lozeron, Marie Kondo, David Eagleman, Christie Marie Sheldon, Cal Newport, Napoleon Hill,


Weight .400 kg
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 2 cm

Anoop Kumar Verma


Namya press




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